Acail Gas S.A.
Acail Gás is an international Group that produce / distribute a full range of gases focused on Special, Industrial, Medical and Food gases, at high-pressure or as liquefied gas at cryogenic temperatures.
We produce and develop a complete range of gases, contribut with innovation for a greater efficiency and competitiveness of your company product or service.
Business Details
- Rua da Gesteira de Cima
- n.º134 Apartado
- Souto – VFR, 707 4520-7
- Portugal
- Tel: +351 256 800 054
- Fax: +351 256 800 059
- www.acailgas.pt

Gas Equipment
- Acetylene Plant
- Air Separation Plant
- Compressed Gas Equipment
- Cryogenic Equipment
- Cryogenic Storage
- Cryogenic Tankers
- Cylinder Accessories/Fittings
- Cylinders
- Dry Ice Blasting CO2 Equipment
- Gas Processing Equipment
- Gas Production Plant
- Hydrogen Plant / Generators
- Medical Gas Systems/Plant
- Nitrogen Plant / Generators
- Nitrous Oxide Plant
- Oxygen Plant / Generators
Gas Supplier