UBH International Ltd
Burscough, , Lancashire, L40 0SL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1704 898500
UBH International Ltd
UBH International is a world-leading manufacturer of specialized containers, road tankers and pressure vessels, including cryogenic tanks and road tankers.
Vessel design based on excellent propriety technology developed by UBH International engineers offering robust construction offering industry leading performance for holding times and vacuum integrity achieved through high quality welding and outstanding project management of production from start to finish.
UBH International has been making tank containers, pressure vessels and tankers for over 60 years. With a global reputation for technical excellence, fully audited and certified quality systems and a complete in-house design and manufacturing service.
Product Range
- Cryogenic Tanks
- Tank Containers
- Road Tankers
- Pressure Vessels
- Vacuum Waste Tankers
- Mini Tanks
- Offshore Tanks
The company is owned by its employees, all of whom are shareholders, which underpins a unique level of commitment to ensuring the products and services we supply meet the highest levels of quality and customer expectation.
UBH International consults closely with its customers to produce solutions carefully tailored to meet their needs.
Delivering Technical Expertise – our engineers are well-respected worldwide, and frequently get calls from countries asking for help in resolving technical issues relating to tank transport.
Quality of Design and Manufacture – We hold ASME U Stamp and R Stamp, Transport Canada, ISO 9001:2015 and multiple other quality certifications. Quality and safety of products is our number one priority, and we ensure that all necessary standards and regulations are met on every product we produce.
We design all of our products in house and manufacture almost everything under one roof. Apart from having all of our own welding equipment, from plasma TIG bed and circ welding machines for the vessels to orbital machines for pipework, we have our X-Ray and other NDT facilities, as well as our hydrostatic testing, passivation, shot-blast and paint bays.
UBH International operates a rigorous ISO 9001: Quality Management System and also holds:–
- ASME U2;
- National Board R
- National Board NB stamps;
- Transport Canada
- PED Module H – for manufacture and repair work.
In the interests of safety, efficiency and the environment UBHI seeks to promote, where possible, the eco-friendly concept of inter-modal transport, which allows the swift, secure and economical transfer of tanks between road, rail and container vessel.
The company has a world-wide customer base covering leasing, operator and end-user market sectors.
UBH International Ltd is a member of the International Tank Container Organisation – ITCO
In the last few years, UBH International has developed not only a range of products for the offshore oil and gas industry and also cryogenic tanks for industrial gases, static tanks for all kinds of industrial products and tanks for the carriage of nuclear waste.
UBH International today employs around 100 people, many of them shareholders in the company, and continues to enjoy a world-wide reputation as a manufacturer of tanks for the transportation of hazardous liquids and liquefied gases. Renowned for the high quality of its specialist equipment, the company continues to build upon its success by the combination of innovative design, close attention to its customers’ needs and the skill and professionalism of its shareholder workforce.
Business Details
- Orrell Lane
- Burscough, , Lancashire, L40 0SL
- United Kingdom
- Tel: +44 (0)1704 898500
- Fax: 44 (0) 1704 898518
- tanks@ubh.co.uk